Angie Bucy Loving Life

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Loving Life Was Specifically Designed for YOU! (and here’s why)

I am tired of looking around and seeing so many women judging themselves against this crazy impossible standard of perfection that is shown to us everyday in every form of media and sometimes from our friends, family, and coworkers. So many people are struggling with it, and there just hasn’t been a solid resource created to help them let go of this need for perfection and truly love themselves and the life that they are living.

So I decided to build it. Let me explain the what’s, why’s, and how’s right now.

Loving Life was designed for women who are tired of beating themselves up for not reaching that unattainable goal of PERFECT no matter how hard they try. 

  • Are you a hardworking people pleaser, trying your best at everything you do, always feeling that you could have done better? 

  • Are you sick of never getting the recognition for all the work you do? 

  • Have you played the supporting role your entire life, always being the helper/ assistant/ behind the scenes person? 

  • Are you approaching or going through a transition in your life? 

  • Would you like to break your people pleasing habits and start living your authentic life?

  • Are you tired of living the life that everyone expects you to have? What kind of life do you even want? Have you been so busy pleasing others and striving for ridiculous standards of perfection that you don’t even know what you truly want in life?

  • Would you like to learn how to love yourself and your life exactly how you are right now?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would love to invite you along on this journey of Loving Life!

Along this journey you will learn actionable steps to letting go of perfection and finding your authentic self. We will go into many aspects of life from spiritual and personal growth to easy tips to get all of your “adulting” tasks done with the least amount of stress, including easy ideas to answer the age-old question… What’s for dinner?!

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