Navigating Mindset Shifts: Real Talk for Creative Entrepreneurs
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Navigating Mindset Shifts: Real Talk for Creative Entrepreneurs

What to do when shifting your mindset around a difficult situation isn’t so easy as all the gurus make it sound.
In the world of entrepreneurship, especially for creative souls like you, the journey can be a rollercoaster of ups and downs. You've probably heard many success gurus talk about the importance of shifting your mindset to overcome challenges, but let's face it - it's often not as easy as it sounds. So, what do you do when changing your mindset around a difficult situation feels like an uphill battle? Let's explore some realistic strategies tailored to your unique journey.

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Using Your Mission to Set Clear Goals for an Entrepreneurial Life with Less Stress
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Using Your Mission to Set Clear Goals for an Entrepreneurial Life with Less Stress

As an entrepreneur, the journey towards success is often marked by the pursuit of ambitious goals and the drive to turn dreams into reality. But amidst the hustle and bustle, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost in the sea of tasks and aspirations. This is where the power of setting clear goals comes into play, guiding you towards an entrepreneurial life that's not only productive but also aligned with your values, ultimately leading to less stress and more fulfillment.

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Creating Your Own Success: A Journey to a Great Life
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Creating Your Own Success: A Journey to a Great Life

Have you ever thought about what success means to you? Well, I found something really cool that can help us figure it out. It's a quote from Anne Sweeney, who did big things at Disney Channel and Netflix. She said, "Make your own idea of success, reach it in your own way, and build a life that makes you proud."

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Discovering Inspiration: The Power of Speaking Up and Embracing the Journey
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Discovering Inspiration: The Power of Speaking Up and Embracing the Journey

Explore the significance of finding inspiration in unexpected places, speaking up for oneself, and embracing the process of growth. These lessons are particularly relevant to creative entrepreneurs like you, as you navigate the path towards personal and professional success. Remember, inspiration awaits in the simplest of moments, and by embracing your journey wholeheartedly, you can unlock the remarkable possibilities that lie ahead.

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Scaling Your Business Beyond the First 6-Figure Year: Practical Systems and Chakra Meditation for Female Entrepreneurs
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Scaling Your Business Beyond the First 6-Figure Year: Practical Systems and Chakra Meditation for Female Entrepreneurs

Learn how to scale your business beyond the first 6-figure year as a female entrepreneur with practical systems and chakra meditation. Discover how a holistic approach can simplify the scaling process and support your inner growth, allowing you to achieve success on your own terms. Read on for tips and strategies to help you take your business to the next level.

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Overcoming the Challenge of Being a Creative Female Entrepreneur
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Overcoming the Challenge of Being a Creative Female Entrepreneur

As a female entrepreneur, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed with the number of ideas you have for your business. Your ideas seem to do nothing but add to your never ending to-do list.

Sometimes the stress of accomplishing everything can quickly start to affect your personal relationships and leave you feeling self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

Many female entrepreneurs struggle with these same challenges.

Here are some tips for turning your ideas into action and overcoming the challenges of female entrepreneurship.

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Embracing the Journey: A Message of Encouragement for High-Achieving Female Entrepreneurs
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Embracing the Journey: A Message of Encouragement for High-Achieving Female Entrepreneurs

As a female entrepreneur, you have already accomplished so much.

You've taken bold steps to bring your vision to life and have been making strides in your business every day.

But, as much as we all love success, it's important to acknowledge that the entrepreneurial journey can be tough and challenging. There are times when you might feel like quitting, but it's essential to keep pushing through.

When times are tough, and business gets hard, it's normal to feel like you'll never get ahead. However, it's important to remember that these moments of doubt and frustration are simply part of the journey.

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Dealing with the Chaos
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Dealing with the Chaos

Do you ever feel like you have so much going on that nothing really gets done?

You tend to start a task, and while you’re doing that, you're thinking about 5 other things that need to get done. And these other things are equally as important as the first. So you jump from task to task picking up pieces while never really completing anything.

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Is it Truth or Perception?
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Is it Truth or Perception?

It is time for you to get rock solid in the truth of where you are right now.

Are you ready? 👇

So much of what you think is true is only your perception of the truth. Our life experience, childhood, traumatic events, what we see in the media, tends to sway our perception.

Take a moment and get grounded in the actual truth. Looking outside of your perceptions.

When you do, you will know without a doubt that you are safe and you are cared for.

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Angie Bucy Angie Bucy


Life can run away with you and before you know it, you realize that you have taken on WAYYY too much and you are about to break.

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Easy Plan for a Low Stress Holiday
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Easy Plan for a Low Stress Holiday

The Holiday Season is upon us. This is meant to be a time of spreading joy and gratitude, but for many of us it turns into a hectic rush that causes way more stress than joy! Let’s make a plan (with wiggle room of course) to get you ready for this crazy time so that you too can enjoy the season with a light hearted spirit and see the miracles of this special time of the year. Download my FREE Planner for the Holiday Season and make sure that you plan some self care along the way! Self Care is the gift that keeps on giving. Way better than the jelly of the month club! LOL! Yes, watching funny and corny Christmas movies is one of my favorite forms of self care during the holidays. :)

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Want to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself?
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Want to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself?

Has anyone ever said this to you? Well I feel like I hear it all the time! It’s a process of letting shit go and realizing that I’m the only one that holds myself up to the impossible standard of perfection that I think is necessary to get by in this world.

Deep down inside (or right there on the surface) you also want to portray this picture of perfection to the world. Immaculate home, debt free, healthy diet, always on time and ready for "company".

It's ok. I know exactly where you are coming from. But I have learned that in reality, we are the only ones that hold ourselves up to such ridiculous standards.

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