Dealing with the Chaos
Do you ever feel like you have so much going on that nothing really gets done?
You tend to start a task, and while you’re doing that, you're thinking about 5 other things that need to get done. And these other things are equally as important as the first. So you jump from task to task picking up pieces while never really completing anything.
Moving through your day like that can leave you exhausted. Feeling like you've been busy all day and you have nothing to show from it.
That's because you haven’t taken the time to breathe. Time to focus on the one thing that needs to be done right now.
Actually, scratch that. We aren’t gonna start there. Let’s take a step back. Let's start with the one thing that is the easiest for you to get done!
Go brush your teeth.
Check that off the list. Maybe you beat me to it… you already brushed your teeth today. Go you! I knew you were a high achiever.
Ok. Now I’m being silly. But I hope you get the point.
To get on a roll with knocking through the chaos in your life, start with something simple. Something that’s quick and easy to get done and out of the way. While you are working on this one thing, do your best to not stop until it's complete.
Focus on the task at hand.
This could take some practice. The urge to put down what you’re doing and move on to something else is going to be strong.
Remember the example of brushing your teeth. You wouldn’t stop halfway through that to vacuum the living room. Would you?
Halfway through writing this, I wanted to check my email, scroll facebook, and throw a load of laundry in the wash. BUT that would’ve done nothing but leave another “thing” half done hanging inside my head.
It’s all the half done tasks that create the chaos.
You may be thinking, “no Angie, my kids create the chaos” or “I’m a solopreneur with so much on my plate” creates the chaos.
Think about it…
If you didn’t have 35 half done projects in your head weighing you down, your kids coming at you asking for your attention wouldn’t be a problem. And conquering all the tasks of running your own business one at a time would be possible. Because your mind is clear.
Afterall, chaos is a perception that we hold in our mind.
I’ve been practicing meditation for almost 20 years. Meditation has been a huge catalyst to remove chaos from my mind. If you haven’t tried it. I highly suggest taking a few minutes of mindful breathing right now.
Heck, let’s make it easier than that.
Take 3 slow deep breaths & focus on the air filling your body and leaving your body.
Focus takes practice. So take small steps that will set you up for success.
Get all of that crap out of your head and down on a piece of paper.
Look at your list and pick 1 thing that’s either super easy or almost complete.
Circle it. That’s the ONE you're going to focus on today!
You can do this. Give yourself permission to not do anything other than that one thing today.
I cannot tell you how amazing you’ll feel when you have conquered chaos by clearing your mind and subsequently gotten to the end of the day finally feeling like you accomplished something.
Are you ready to see what it's like to get to the end of the day energized because you crushed it?!
As a productivity coach, that’s what I’m here to help you with. Let me know if you’d like to see how I can help you with clearing the chaos in your life and setting you up for success in business.