Is it Truth or Perception?

It is time for you to get rock solid in the truth of where you are right now.

Are you ready? 👇

So much of what you think is true is only your perception of the truth.

Our life experience, childhood, traumatic events, what we see in the media, tends to sway our perception.

Take a moment and get grounded in the actual truth.

Looking outside of your perceptions.

When you do, you will know without a doubt that you are safe and you are cared for.

My meditation practice has been the #1 tool that has helped me see around my own skewed perception.

My meditation practice has been the #1 tool that has helped me see around my own skewed perception.

This has changed my life and how I relate in all of my relationships and how I conduct business.

When you break the cycle of getting offended and taking everything personal, you start to truly understand that we are all in the same boat.

Everyone is doing their best to find their way in life.

We all make mistakes.

We all get embarrassed.

If we are lucky enough to have the tools to figure it out, we realize that we are the only person that holds on to these mistakes and embarrassments.

Think about it. 

How many people did you see yesterday or within the past week, do something stupid, say something they regretted, lost control of their temper, tell a bad joke, choke on their own spit, forget a part of their presentation at work or school, the list goes on….

My point is, you are only remembering it because I asked you to.

They, more than likely, believe that you, and everyone else that happened to see their blooper, will remember it and hold it against them forever!

Here is another example:

You walk past 2 women sitting at a coffee shop. You notice that one of them looked at you and then you hear whispering.

You walk past 2 women sitting at a coffee shop. You notice that one of them looked at you and then you hear whispering.

You immediately get upset because a minute earlier while making your coffee to your liking, you accidentally spilled the cream on the counter. You are sure they are talking about you. How dare they. It’s not like you didn’t try to clean it up.

This is your perception.

The truth is that one woman told the other how much she liked your shoes.

🤯 Get out of your head.

It is full of false perception.

The other day I led a guided meditation on facebook live.

I really truly love sharing meditation with others.

Yesterday I tried hard to set the perfect scene.

BIG mistake!~ One day I will remember to stop trying to make things “perfect”.

Anyway, I left the window open because the birds were singing and I thought that would be so peaceful.

Well, during my meditation, a truck stopped outside of my house and the driver got out and started yelling at something or someone to get out of the road. As if that wasn’t enough, Shanti, my dog, started barking like crazy. 

I was so embarrased.

I wanted to scream but I was in the middle of a live guided meditation!

Anyway, you’ll have to watch the replay to see it. I haven’t. For all I know, none of it was picked up on my mic!

The old Angie would have given up.

But I now know the truth, and recognize what is just my perception. 

I know the truth is that it is safe to be me, bloopers and all. I am loved and I am cared for. 

And so are you!

If you are interested in continuing a meditation practice, I am offering a weekly guided meditation.

This will be a monthly subscription plan. $25/mo

Cancel at any time.

Live meditation will be on zoom where we can also have a short check in session if you like.

You will also have access to all previously recorded meditations for your use at any time.


Dealing with the Chaos
