Angie Bucy Loving Life

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Everybody says it.

The struggle is real!

Sometimes, life can run away with you and before you know it, you realize that you have taken on WAYYY too much and you are about to break.

You are raising your kids, keeping food on the table, keeping up with the house, making sure the bills are paid, scheduling everyone's appointments, trying to remember to nurture your relationship with your partner who is also trying to do all the things.

On top of all of that, you have started your own business!

You thought it would be fun.

You read these stories of other entrepreneurs that have started a business and are hitting 10K months within the first year.

You are working your butt off yet you feel like you are failing on all accounts.

You have always been a strong woman and always believed that you can do it all!

But... You secretly wish someone would come along and take all of the weight off of your shoulders?

Here's the thing, nobody knows how you are feeling.

You think that others should just be able to see it and come running to your rescue.

But you have become a pro at hiding your struggle! Nobody knows!


It is so hard to admit that you can't do it all by yourself. But once you ask for help, miracles will happen!

Ask for help in your personal life from family and in your business from your team. Allow others to help you. There is power in delegating tasks to others. And you will love to see them shine while they help you!

If you continue to find yourself overwhelmed even after you have asked for help and you have a team of helpers lined up, you need to make a very special list.

Set aside some time to make a list of everything that you need to do or want to get done everyday.

Make a list for both your personal life and your business.

Now put a star (*) everything that truly lights you up. These are the things you LOVE to do.

Circle those things you dread or feel heavy to you. This is what you need to delegate.

Now go back through your daily planner and see if you can find a pattern of the kinds of tasks that you always put off for later or the next day. Those are also the types of things that you should consider delegating to your team.

How do you feel about asking for help? Does it come easy to you, or are you afraid to give up control or show the world that you can’t do it all on your own?

If you would like to talk and have some encouragement in this aspect of your life and your business, click below to schedule a chat so we can see how I can help you.

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