How To Start Finding Joy Everyday


The journey to finding joy can be as easy or as difficult as you decide to make it. If you are currently in the middle of a difficult part of your journey, please note that these few steps can make those difficult days a little easier to move through.

It is WAY more fun when you choose an easy route!

  • Do Something That Makes You Happy Everyday 

This can be anything, from singing loud with the windows down while driving, to walking through your garden to chatting with a stranger in line at the grocery store. 

If you need to, schedule out some time in the day just for this moment. Get my free printable planner here!

  • Practice Meditation

Sit quietly and notice your breath. Breathe consciously. (link) Allow thoughts to come and go. Witness all of the miracles that occur in the process of your body being alive. The breath comes in and the breath moves through all of the cells in your body and then the breath is released. Also known as inhalation and exhalation. Start with one minute at a time. Then 5 minutes. Soon 30, 40, 60 minutes will come to you with ease and your body and your being will be filled with Grace and a Joy that you have never known before.

  • Connect with Nature

Nature is all around us no matter where you live. Touch the Earth. Go outside and lay down in the grass looking up at the sky watching clouds come and go. (Just like you can watch your thoughts come and go). Plant some flowers or tend to your house plants. Find a body of water or nearby stream and watch the water move. 

Animals have an amazing ability to transfer a joyful energy into our being.

Pet your dog or cat. Feed the birds or other wildlife. Get a hummingbird feeder. It is one of the coolest things I have done! 

  • Connect with Your Body

Yes, there is so much JOY to be found in connecting with your body. This is where your 5 main senses live. It is ok to learn/recognize the amazing pleasure that your body can provide through taste, touch, sight, sound, and aroma.  Also the amazing endorphin rush of movement! Your body is the one thing that has been with you for your entire journey in this life. If you currently do not love your body, this is where you start to rekindle that affair. After all, along with God, your body is your life partner.

  • Connect with Your Higher Power

Whatever you call it, God, the Universe, Source, whether you recognize that you have a higher power or not, it is there. Find your Personal Divine and start a relationship. We have heard so many times that we all love to have a friend that even though we haven't seen each other in what feels like forever, when we connect, it is like milk and cookies! Perfect together. Your higher power is this friend. You just have to open our hearts and minds to see that the Divine energy has your back. This connection is commonly called prayer. We will dive deeper into this subject in a later post. For now a simple prayer to start with is “ Hi God, (you can insert whatever you call your Personal Divine’s name here) I understand that you are with me now and always. Please help me get to know you. Please help me find joy today. Thank you.

  • Show Gratitude

Every morning and every night. Start and end each day with a moment of gratitude from that day. If journaling helps, go for it. Whether you write it down or not. Make your statement of gratitude.

In Conclusion

Finding Joy everyday doesn’t have to be a huge change in your life. Completing even one of these steps each day can bring you a moment of joy. As your journey continues, you will realize that the steps start to build onto one another. And your joyful moments will grow. When life circumstances bring you down, witness and respect the moment, then go back to your steps to finding joy.

What step did you take today? Are there any steps that you would like further assistance with? Let me know in the comments. Please sign up for my email list so that you can join the journey finding joy and loving life everyday.


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