Are you feeling stuck and clueless about what to do next?
Angie Bucy Angie Bucy

Are you feeling stuck and clueless about what to do next?

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a pattern of doing the same thing over and over and you feel like you are getting nowhere in life? Do you find decision making an impossible task?

Sometimes we feel clueless in life. Don’t beat yourself up. We all go through these times of not knowing. Some decisions just aren’t meant for us to make all on our own. When you are feeling like this, it is ok to stop and wait. Pray, ask God to show you the next step. Be specific. Ask for it to be the obvious choice. Listen and without worry, just make the next small step. One baby step at a time will get you to your destination. If you still feel lost or confused, ask for help. Find a mentor that has been where you think you might want to be. Take a deep look inside of yourself to see what your core values and beliefs reveal. Take a break from your normal routine. Do something fun and stop beating yourself up about needing to figure out the next “right” move. The answer will come to you in time. Follow these guidelines…

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