A Shout Out to the One that Makes Dinner Every Night!

A Shout Out to the One that Makes Dinner Every Night!

Is It Normal to Get Upset when Someone Doesn’t Like What You Made for Dinner? One day last week I decided to make a dish that my family had been asking to have for a couple of days. We have all been feeling a little on edge with so much going on around us, so I thought a nice family dinner with one of their favorite dishes would be a great mood enhancer. Yes, I do show my love through my food. Well, first off dinner was ready way before everyone got home from work and after school activities. So yes, I started to beat myself up for not planning my timing better. That was my first mistake. Also, I tried a slightly different cooking method than usual. Don’t ask me why. The original method was not difficult. I am just always trying new things in the kitchen. Sometimes my madness works. Well that night it didn’t.

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How Do You Unwind at the End of the Day?

How Do You Unwind at the End of the Day?

It is time to unwind. I left the dirty dishes on the counter, went outside, threw my blanket on the ground and crashed. I am done competing with Martha Stewart today! She's got a bunch of assistants that make her look perfect everyday anyway. Last night I treated myself to some self care. It was a long week. Honestly it was a huge breakthrough for me to just decide to give myself some pampering and not ask for anyone's permission or approval. I didn't care, I needed it!

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Is Making a Vision Board a Good Idea?
Spiritual and Personal Growth Angie Bucy Spiritual and Personal Growth Angie Bucy

Is Making a Vision Board a Good Idea?

A vision board is a tool that you can use to make your dream life a reality. It has been proven that once you put your thoughts down on paper, they become real and true in the world. This puts your energy of abundance and manifestation into gear!

A vision board can be a physical board made of poster paper and cut out magazine clippings or stickers of anything that you would like to see come to fruition for your life. Or you can make a virtual board using a program like Canva or even a pinterest board. I have made both and as long as it is a medium that you can look at on a daily basis, they both do the job of bringing your vision to LIFE!

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Why you Need to Give Yourself Permission to Rest
Spiritual and Personal Growth Angie Bucy Spiritual and Personal Growth Angie Bucy

Why you Need to Give Yourself Permission to Rest

A very good friend of mine helped me to come up with this amazing mantra, “I choose to embrace the power of my relaxation.” Trust me, it sounds crazy, but there is great power in relaxation.

We are in a crazy world where we are taught that we must be busy and constantly doing something in order to be productive and successful. It is so hard to let go of this notion.

Rest is vital for better mental health, increased concentration and memory, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, improved mood and even a better metabolism. If you do not take the time to rest, relax, and recharge, all of that hard work just might crumble to pieces.

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25 Quotes to Motivate You in Living Your Best Life
Spiritual and Personal Growth Angie Bucy Spiritual and Personal Growth Angie Bucy

25 Quotes to Motivate You in Living Your Best Life

Do you feel like you are living your best life? My guess is that right now, your answer might be no. Which is why you are looking for some inspiration and motivation. I have been told by many teachers in my life that if you want something, find someone who has that and ask them what they did to achieve that same goal. There are so many great people that have worked hard to pave the way so that the rest of us can learn from them and go forward living our best life.

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Loving Life Was Specifically Designed for YOU! (and here’s why)
Spiritual and Personal Growth Angie Bucy Spiritual and Personal Growth Angie Bucy

Loving Life Was Specifically Designed for YOU! (and here’s why)

I am tired of looking around and seeing so many women judging themselves against this crazy impossible standard of perfection that is shown to us everyday in every form of media and sometimes from our friends, family, and coworkers. So many people are struggling with it, and there just hasn’t been a solid resource created to help them let go of this need for perfection and truly love themselves and the life that they are living.

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