A Shout Out to the One that Makes Dinner Every Night!

A Shout Out to the One that Makes Dinner Every Night!

Is It Normal to Get Upset when Someone Doesn’t Like What You Made for Dinner? One day last week I decided to make a dish that my family had been asking to have for a couple of days. We have all been feeling a little on edge with so much going on around us, so I thought a nice family dinner with one of their favorite dishes would be a great mood enhancer. Yes, I do show my love through my food. Well, first off dinner was ready way before everyone got home from work and after school activities. So yes, I started to beat myself up for not planning my timing better. That was my first mistake. Also, I tried a slightly different cooking method than usual. Don’t ask me why. The original method was not difficult. I am just always trying new things in the kitchen. Sometimes my madness works. Well that night it didn’t.

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7 Steps to Dealing with Overwhelm in Your Day
Low Stress Living Angie Bucy Low Stress Living Angie Bucy

7 Steps to Dealing with Overwhelm in Your Day

Are you feeling overwhelmed with everything that you need to do today?

You’ve come to the right place. I get it. We are trying to do so much to take care of everyone else. We want to be all to everyone in our lives. You don’t want to disappoint anyone. And your goals are sky high for what you want to accomplish today and in your life. You truly believe you can do it all because according to every inspirational poster and meme out there, You Are Unstoppable! You Can Do It!

Well, I agree. You are a force to be reckoned with. But trust me, it takes time to conquer whatever it is you are working towards. Rome wasn’t built in a day and today shouldn’t look like you are trying to show those guys how lazy they were! So please stop and take a breath. Make a list. Prioritize. Ask for help. Show yourself some grace. Learn to say no. Stop comparing yourself to other people’s “perfect” life.

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