A Shout Out to the One that Makes Dinner Every Night!

A Shout Out to the One that Makes Dinner Every Night!

Is It Normal to Get Upset when Someone Doesn’t Like What You Made for Dinner? One day last week I decided to make a dish that my family had been asking to have for a couple of days. We have all been feeling a little on edge with so much going on around us, so I thought a nice family dinner with one of their favorite dishes would be a great mood enhancer. Yes, I do show my love through my food. Well, first off dinner was ready way before everyone got home from work and after school activities. So yes, I started to beat myself up for not planning my timing better. That was my first mistake. Also, I tried a slightly different cooking method than usual. Don’t ask me why. The original method was not difficult. I am just always trying new things in the kitchen. Sometimes my madness works. Well that night it didn’t.

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How Do You Unwind at the End of the Day?

How Do You Unwind at the End of the Day?

It is time to unwind. I left the dirty dishes on the counter, went outside, threw my blanket on the ground and crashed. I am done competing with Martha Stewart today! She's got a bunch of assistants that make her look perfect everyday anyway. Last night I treated myself to some self care. It was a long week. Honestly it was a huge breakthrough for me to just decide to give myself some pampering and not ask for anyone's permission or approval. I didn't care, I needed it!

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The Beginners Guide to Simple Cooking for your Family

The Beginners Guide to Simple Cooking for your Family

Simple Cooking is recipes involving less than 10, or even better less than 5 ingredients to make the main dish and sides for a meal. Another goal of simple cooking is to not have a ton of clean up when you are done so only 1-3 pots and or pans are needed to complete this meal. The skills that you learn in this simple cooking method can be expanded on to make more creative or complex meals, but I’m gonna be honest, simple cooking tastes Really Good! And the family is always happy to sit down for these dinners.

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