How to Easily Start Looking on the Bright Side Every Day
Why is it that we as humans find it so easy to complain about everything?
We complain about what we have and what we don’t have. We even complain about what others do and don’t have!
All of this complaining just ends up snowballing and digging us deeper and deeper into an angry, cranky, negative mindset that we pass on to our family, friends, coworkers, everyone that we have any relationship with. This negativity can even spread to those that we pass on the street.
Did you know that we can just as easily spread joy and light? We just need to change this negative complaining mindset. We need to start looking on the bright side. Do you know how to do that?
The answer is GRATITUDE!
I am sure you have heard the saying “A little Gratitude can change that Attitude”. Well it's true. Gratitude is not something that we save for Thanksgiving Dinner. Gratitude is something that we need to practice everyday!
Well, I sure got a wake up call this morning. God gives us what we ask for. Whether you believe it or not, this is true. We ask for something like a job or a family and God does give it to us. Side note… sometimes it doesn’t look like what we thought it would or in the timeline that we wanted it, but the universe does provide. When we are not living a life of gratitude, we end up complaining about the very gift that we were given…
I have been complaining about my job (you know, the one that is currently helping me get the bills paid while I pursue my dream of starting this blog!) for months now. I asked for this job! I get paid to talk to people about products that I believe in and I get to take my dog to the office! What is there to complain about? Well, let's not go down that road. Then the pandemic of 2020 arrives, Covid-19. I have been scared of being laid off meanwhile praying for more time to devote to my dream. That my friends, is a mixed signal to the Universe. I am praying for more clarity everyday. And the one thing that is crystal clear is that I need to start living a life filled with Gratitude. I am thankful that I have a job. I am thankful that I have learned and practiced skills that I will have with me forever. I am thankful that I experienced financial abundance for myself. 2020 was the most financially prosperous year of my life and I am grateful for that.
What are you complaining about?
Your job? Would you rather not have one? Your kids? I am sure you love them way more than you can put into words. Your spouse/partner? You asked to be in a relationship. The price of gas? You like driving everywhere.
What if you change your mindset from complaining to gratitude?
The next time you catch yourself complaining about anything, find something about the same situation to be grateful for. For example, I am sitting here on the couch writing this blog post and the pillows and throw blankets are a mess. I can very easily complain about what a mess everything is. Why can’t anyone help me straighten things up? OR I can see this as something to be grateful for. I am grateful for the fact that we have a couch and pillows and blankets. I am grateful for last night's time together as a family lounging comfortably in front of the fire watching tv.
Start looking for things to be grateful for.
When you do this, all of those things that you have been complaining about won’t be showing up so often.
Daily Reflections
If you are into journaling, add your gratitude list to your journal. When I started my Gratitude practice, I would write down 3 things that I was grateful for every night before bed. Then I upped it to 5. You can use a notebook or the notes in your phone. But if you would like something a little more pretty, I have made this free download just for you! Please enjoy your Gratitude Journey with my Daily Reflections Planner.
You can start your day with writing down your Mantra for the day. This can be a short sentence just for you. A daily affirmation. For example: I Am Healthy, or I Am Love, or My Life is Full of Ease and Grace.
I have included a spot for you to write down any prayers in your heart for the day.
The center of the page is there for you to list as many things that you can think of to be grateful for during the day. One hint that I have for you with this exercise is to make sure that there is at least one thing on the list that truly fills your heart with gratitude. I am grateful for my home. It is the laughter of the boys kidding around and having fun that really fills my heart. Those special moments. After all of the morning chaos of everyone getting ready for work and school in the morning and then you have that quiet 30 seconds to breathe and take a sip of your coffee. That is another one of those moments. You know what I mean. Start looking for the moments.
You will see there is a square labeled Daily Service. This is a very special path toward Gratitude. Every day, look for a way that you can be of service to another living creature. Another person, an animal, or even a plant. The fact that you can help someone or something’s life a little better can show you what you have to be grateful for.
And then just for fun, I added a spot to jot down any Ah Ha moments. As your mindset begins to change, the realizations and insight start to show themselves more regularly.
Please take advantage of this FREE GIFT and start using it today! Enjoy the journey to Loving Life!
Please see the 2 options below if you are in the market for a new journal for yourself or as a gift. You are going to love how writing in a journal is going to change your outlook on life! It's beautiful, soft, feminine, floral print cover will absolutely call you to take a moment for yourself and reflect on the day ahead of you and/or the day you have just completed. When you keep a gratitude journal, you start to notice everything wonderful around you and those moments that are not so great seem to have less of an effect on your mood and energy. Your stress and anxiety levels will decrease. Your friends and family will notice that you smile more and your relationships start to flourish. The journal on the left has easy to follow prompts to get you started in the practice of gratitude. One of the prompts is even listed twice to remind you not to stop listing all of the amazing things that come to you each and every day! The one on the right is lined so you can use as a diary or however you like. You can also use this for daily inspiration and goal setting. These Journals make a great gift for any woman or girl in your life. Graduation, Mother's Day, Birthdays, Valentine's Day, heck... ANYDAY!